24 April, 2024

Regional Centre



 Dear Learner,

Welcome to IGNOU family. You are successfully admitted to the January 2020 session. You can check your admission status from the online admission portal from where you took admission. 


To retrieve admission details if you have received enrollment no . Click on the link http://admission.ignou.ac.in/changeadmdata/admissionstatusnew.asp  

You can use the Online facilities of IGNOU to avail student services

IGNOU Mobile App - URL from Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ignou.studentsApp

IGNOU Study Material App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ac.in.ignou.Viewer

IGNOU e-Gyankosh for availing all online content of IGNOU - http://egyankosh.ac.in/

IGNOU Study material Download - http://egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/1

IGNOU Youtube Videos - http://egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/35033

We wish you all the best and look forward to addressing all your problems and queries in the future too.