18 July, 2024

Regional Centre


News Detail

Online Induction Meeting of MASL Learners of January 2024 Session on 09.05.2024 at 04.00 PM to 05:00 PM

8 May, 2024

Online Induction Meeting of MASL Learners of January 2024 Session with the following details:

Date: 09.05.2024 (Thursday)
Time: 04.00 PM - 05.00 PM
Google Meeting Link:  https://meet.google.com/xrt-fgsj-rue

Resource Persons: The SOFL Director and Faculty will be guiding the learners about the MASL Programme. Director RSD will also grace the occasion and address the learners.

Kindly note:
01. login at least 15 minutes before the given time (i.e., by 03.45 PM).
02. keep your MIC off but Camera On
03. switch on your MIC only when asked for Interaction/Q&A Session
04. not to share this link with unauthorized persons.