11 March, 2025

Regional Centre


Certificate in SocialWork and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Minimum Age: No bar
Maximum Age: No bar


  A person who has successfully completed graduation in any discipline is eligible for enrolment in the Certificate Programme in Social Work and Criminal Justice System.

Medium of Instructions: English and Hindi

  Objectives of this Programme

The objective of this certificate programme is to train a cadre of graduate professionals interested in working in the correctional settings such as jails, family courts, beggars home, special schools for boys and girls, observation home, rescue home etc. Thus, the programme would be relevant for the various NGO professionals who are working in the correctional settings. Specifically, the objectives of the programme are as follows:

i) To develop a cadre of trained para social workers to render humanitarian services in criminal justice system;

ii) To provide knowledge base and skills training to learners alongwith practical experiences to render social and legal services in correctional settings across the country;

iii) To extend professional help to target population in correctional setting; and

iv) To create space and demonstrate humanitarian initiatives that addresses specific issues of marginalized people in criminal justice system.

It is intended that the candidates completing these programmes of study should be able to:

Understand the concept of deviance and crime;
Understand the theoretical perspectives on criminal jurisprudence;
Develop accurate and complete information about various processes of criminal justice administration viz. Police System, Prosecution and defense process, Judicial Process Investigation and Trial Processes;
Have accurate and complete information about the prison processes like Prison Act, Prison Manual, Prisoners Rights and the Visitorial System;
Understand social work as a profession and the values, principles and ethics of professional social work;
Analyse the linkages between Social Work in Correctional Setting; and
Apply at least two of the primary methods of social work practice viz. case work and group work in the Criminal Justice Processes.

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